Sunday, October 4, 2009

Come and Take It Radio 10/04/09

Good evening!

Tonight we spent the first hour of the show discussing the dark cloud surrounding the H1N1 vaccination agenda. First we discuss New York health care workers revolting over the swine flu vaccine. Those that refuse will lose their jobs. Most of them say they would rather be fired than be vaccinated. Read the local news story here -

We then go on to play a clip from the Lou Dobbs Show where he comments on this demostration. You can watch that here -

We then discuss the H1N1 vaccination situation in New Jersey. Recently New Jersey has mandated that all children be vaccinated for swine flu or be expelled from school. Watch the clip here -

There is a great resource available online if you are interested in spreading information regarding the H1N1 vaccine and swine flu. You can find that here -

Matt also read from a local article (Dripping Springs, TX) regarding the H1N1 vaccine. The newspaper is not online so i dont have a link for ya.

I also mentioned that i would post the ingredients listed on the FDA packing inserts for the inhalant vaccine for H1N1, here they are:

sanofi pasteur:

In the second hour we move on to more uplifting news. Last Tuesday evening, Congressman Ron Paul appeared on The Daily Show to promote his latest book, End the Fed. The appearance capped off a full day in New York City, as earlier that day Dr. Paul participated in a book signing hosted by Borders Books and took a quick trip with supporters to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Watch the clip here -

The book signing and Daily Show appearance came just days after bestselling author and historian Tom Woods appeared before the House Financial Services Committee as part of the historic hearing on Dr. Paul's Audit the Fed bill, HR 1207.

As shown by that hearing, the movement expected by the establishment to just fade away after the Ron Paul presidential campaign has now officially taken the battle for sound money, transparency, and accountability right to the Fed’s backyard in Washington, D.C. It was a tremendous feeling to watch the Fed’s General Counsel Scott Alvarez have to answer question after question from representatives who clearly are receiving lots of pressure from their districts to support Audit the Fed.

From there we discuss the "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign. Under way just one week, 2 million "pink slips" – individually addressed notices to each member of the House and Senate, complete with sender's name and return address – are on their way to the Capitol by Fed Ex courier letting every member of Congress know there's discontent back on the home front.
Read about it here -

"Send Congress a Pink Slip" ensures that a brief but poignant message will be delivered by Federal Express to all 535 members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate on your behalf for only $29.95. Sign up here -

The "pink slip" each official will get is a reminder that they work for the taxpayers. Each is individually printed with the sender's contact information under the closing salutation "Signed, Your Employer:". The warning lists four key issues that are deemed unacceptable to program participants:
  • government health care
  • cap and trade
  • "hate crimes"
  • any more spending

From there we discuss another World Net Daily article where the Feds have been sued to keep out of state's gun affairs. The complaint was filed seeking affirmation of Montana Firearms Freedom Act.

The action was filed by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Montana Shooting Sports Association in U.S. District Court in Missoula, Mont., to validate the principles and terms of the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, which took effect today.

Read the article here -

Thanks for listening!!